Exploring Singapore’s Gardens by the Bay: A Guide to the City’s Most Spectacular Attraction

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gardens by the bay

Nestled in the heart of Singapore’s bustling city centre lies one of the country’s most famous attractions, Gardens by the Bay. As its name suggests, this sprawling nature park boasts a stunning array of flora and fauna, all surrounded by the beauty of the iconic Marina Bay skyline. In this guide, we will take you on a journey through the Gardens by the Bay, exploring its fascinating history, architecture, and attractions that make it one of Singapore’s most spectacular destinations.

A Brief History of Gardens by the Bay

Before we dive into the Gardens and its wonders, let’s take a quick look at its history. The idea for the Gardens was first conceptualized back in 2005 as part of the government’s push to transform Singapore’s reputation as a “Garden City” into a “City in a Garden” concept, blending the urban landscape with natural greenery.

The Vision Behind the Gardens By The Bay

gardens by the bay
Image source: Philip Hoffman

The vision behind Gardens by the Bay was to create a world-renowned horticultural attraction that showcases the best of tropical flora and fauna, combining art, nature, and technology in a unique way. The Gardens were designed to be a sustainable and environmentally friendly attraction, with a focus on conservation and education.

The Gardens were designed by a team of international experts, including landscape architects, horticulturists, and engineers, who worked together to create a unique and innovative attraction that would be both visually stunning and environmentally sustainable.

Development and Construction

Construction commenced in 2007, with the Gardens officially opening to the public in 2012. The cost of the entire project was a whopping SGD 1 billion, and the Gardens span over 101 hectares of reclaimed land in Marina Bay. The Gardens were built on reclaimed land, which was previously used for shipping and storage, and the project involved extensive land reclamation and soil improvement works.

One of the key features of the Gardens is the Supertrees, which are vertical gardens that range in height from 25 to 50 meters. These Supertrees are not only visually stunning, but they also serve a functional purpose, providing shade and cooling for the Gardens, as well as hosting a variety of plants and animals.

Awards and Recognition

The Gardens have since made its mark on the international stage, winning numerous awards and recognition for its innovative design and sustainability efforts. The Gardens have won several awards, including the World Building of the Year at the World Architecture Festival in 2012, the Best Attraction Experience at the Singapore Tourism Awards in 2014, and the Best Theme Attraction at the Asia-Pacific Property Awards in 2015.

The Gardens have also been recognized for their sustainability efforts, including the use of renewable energy sources, water conservation measures, and the promotion of biodiversity. The Gardens have been awarded the Green Mark Platinum Award, which is the highest environmental certification in Singapore, as well as the BCA Green Mark GoldPLUS Award for Sustainable Design.

Overall, Gardens by the Bay is a unique and innovative attraction that combines art, nature, and technology in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way. The Gardens are a testament to Singapore’s commitment to creating a greener and more sustainable future, and they are a must-visit attraction for anyone visiting Singapore.

Gardens by the Bay The Three Distinct Gardens

gardens by the bay
Image source: Sam K

The Gardens by the Bay is divided into three distinct gardens, each with its own unique flora and fauna, making it a paradise for nature and plant lovers.

Bay South Garden

The Bay South Garden is the largest of the three gardens and boasts an enormous selection of over 500,000 plants, including tropical flowers, exotic trees, and many rare varieties. The standout attractions in this garden are the Supertrees, which are up to 50 meters tall. These man-made tree structures serve as vertical gardens, with over 200 species of plants growing on them.

Bay East Garden

Bay East Garden offers a tranquil respite from the bustling city. Spanning over 32 hectares, this garden is perfect for a leisurely stroll or bike ride, offering scenic views of the Marina Bay skyline.

Bay Central Garden

Bay Central Garden is the smallest of the three gardens, but it offers a unique experience for visitors, blending urban design with lush greenery. The garden is situated on an elevated platform offering stunning views of Marina Bay and boasts an array of local and exotic plant varieties.

Iconic Attractions within Gardens by the Bay

gardens by the bay
Image source: K K, Google Reviews and Images

Now, let’s dive into some of the must-see attractions within the Gardens by the Bay.

Supertree Grove

The Supertree Grove is undoubtedly the most iconic feature of the Gardens. This man-made structures tower above the landscape, serving an array of functions from climate control to hosting an observation deck. The best time to visit is in the evening when the Supertrees light up and perform in the Garden Rhapsody Light Show.

Cloud Forest

The Cloud Forest is a unique attraction and houses the world’s tallest indoor waterfall, standing at 35 meters. Visitors can take a walk through the misty, tropical highlands, and marvel at the diversity of plant life and breathtaking views from the Lost World at the top of the mountain.

Flower Dome

The Flower Dome is a haven for all floral enthusiasts, showcasing an extensive array of exotic plants from all over the world. Visitors can wander through lush landscapes and take in the vibrant colours and aromas of plants such as Baobabs, African Lilies, and Chilean Wine Palms.

OCBC Skyway

The OCBC Skyway is a 128-meter-long walkway, perched atop the Supertree Grove. It offers panoramic views of the Gardens and the Marina Bay skyline and is also a prime spot to catch the light show in the evenings.

Experiencing the Garden Rhapsody Light Show

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Image source: SK Young

The Garden Rhapsody Light Show is an unmissable attraction within the Gardens by the Bay and an experience you won’t forget.

Show Timings and Location

The show runs nightly, and visitors can catch it at 7:45 pm and 8:45 pm at the Supertree Grove.

Tips for the Best Viewing Experience

If you want to catch the best views, we recommend arriving at least half an hour before the show to get a good spot. You can also opt for the OCBC Skyway for a unique vantage point, but be sure to purchase a separate ticket for entrance. If you’re visiting during the rainy season, remember to bring an umbrella and waterproof gear as the show may still go on in light rain.

In conclusion, the Gardens by the Bay is truly a world-class attraction like no other. Its innovative design, sustainability efforts, and stunning collection of flora and fauna make it a must-visit destination for anyone travelling to Singapore. With so much to see and do, immerse yourself in the Gardens’ wonders and let the beauty of nature take your breath away.